Green Mobility Hubs Phase 3 - Somers Town Safe and Healthy Streets Consultation

Closed 4 Aug 2024

Opened 8 Jul 2024


We want our streets to be safe spaces for you to walk and cycle for every day trips, for businesses to be able to flourish, to reduce carbon emissions from road transport and for you to be breathing cleaner air. We want to ensure that when we invest in our streets it provides a lasting legacy of greener, safer, healthier travel, helping us deliver our wider Transport Strategy objectives. 

This consultation includes our proposals to install permanent Green Mobility Hubs on Brill Place and Werrington Street, as part of the Somers Town Future Neighbourhood 2030 programme funded by the Mayor of London. A Green Mobility Hub is a place which has a mix of environmentally sustainable transport options all in one single, easily recognisable location.

A map of all the transport projects proposed as part of the Somers Town Future Neighbourhoods 2030 Programme is provided at the bottom of this page. 

Why your views matter

Your views matter to support us in making a decision on whether to install Green Mobility Hubs on Brill Place and Werrington Street.

Proposals being consulted on

At each Green Mobility Hub location, we are proposing some parking bay changes to create space for the new Green Mobility Hub elements. The parking bay changes are summarised in the table below. 






Brill Place 

  • Disabled bay: 1 

  • Resident bay: 8 (47m) 

  • Electric Vehicle car club bay: 2 



Werrington Street 

  • Pay by Phone bays: 7 

  • Resident permit bays: 13 

  • Electric Vehicle car club bay: 1  

  • Electric Vehicle charging bay: 1 

  • Car club bays: 2 (north from their current location)



Werrington Street

We are proposing the following changes: 

  • A new e-scooter and cycle hire bay, providing easy access to these services and reducing street cluttering by providing a dedicated area; 

  • New cycle parking stands to improve cycling provision for residents and visitors. This would include stands designed to facilitate parking of larger cycles such as adapted or cargo bikes; 

  • Retain the two existing car club bays (the bays will be relocated north from their current location) to provide another transport option for residents who do not own a vehicle; 

  • A new electric car club vehicle and bay to provide another transport option for residents who do not own a vehicle; 

  • A new electric vehicle charging bay, to provide charging for residents or visitors with electric vehicles; 

  • Two new bike hangars, providing secure cycle parking for residents; 

  • New Mobility Hub plinths, and wayfinding information, to identify the Hub and help people use the services and navigate the local area on foot and by bike; 

  • New planting, rain garden features to absorb water, seating and paved area to enhance the area; 

  • Improved surface treatment on the Werrington Street and Phoenix Road junction to enhance pedestrian priority at this junction;  

  • Drinking water fountain and cycle maintenance stand – subject to further investigation as part of the detailed design.


Brill Place

We are proposing the following changes: 

  • New cycle parking stands, including accessible stands designed for adapted cycles and cargo bikes to improve cycling provision for residents and visitors including disabled cyclists; 

  • A new e-scooter and cycle hire bay, providing easy access to these services and reducing street cluttering by providing a dedicated area; 

  • Two new bike hangars, providing secure cycle parking for residents 

  • New Mobility Hub plinths, and wayfinding information, to identify the Hub and help people use the services and navigate the local area on foot and by bike 

  • Two new electric car club vehicles and bays to provide another transport option for residents who do not own a vehicle; 

  • New planting, rain garden features features to absorb water and new seating to enhance the area 

  • Drinking water fountain and cycle maintenance stand – subject to further investigation as part of the detailed design 


All features of the Mobility Hub are subject to further feasibility investigation as part of the detailed design process.

More information about these proposals is also available in the Information Sheet and scheme design plans that are attached to the bottom of this webpage. We have also attached a photo guide that shows what some of the measures being consulted on would look like.  

An illustration of what the proposed changes could look like, showing Brill Place as an example, is provided below and as an attachment at the bottom of this webpage. There is a further illustration of the Werrington Street hub also attached at the bottom of this page.  

An image presenting The Green Mobility Hub at Brill Place

What happens next

After the consultation, a decision report will be produced and published online, via our website. Local residents and stakeholders will be notified of the outcome. The report will consider a broad range of information including consultation responses, feedback received, relevant policies and other data/information including surveys and monitoring information.

All of this information will be considered in making a recommendation in the report about whether or not to implement the scheme. Should a decision be made to proceed, we would implement the changes under a permanent Traffic Management Order (TMO). If approved for construction, we would then carefully monitor the changes to make sure it operates effectively.

For information on how we will use data collected from this consultation read our privacy statement: Data protection, privacy and cookies - Camden Council

What happens next

After the consultation, a decision report will be produced and published online, via our website. Local residents and stakeholders will be notified of the outcome. The report will consider a broad range of information including consultation responses, feedback received, relevant policies and other data/information including surveys and monitoring information.

All of this information will be considered in making a recommendation in the report about whether or not to implement the scheme. Should a decision be made to proceed, we would implement the changes under a permanent Traffic Management Order (TMO). If approved for construction, we would then carefully monitor the changes to make sure it operates effectively.


  • St Pancras and Somers Town


  • Anyone from any background


  • Transport and streets