Warren Street Streateries

Closed 1 Nov 2023

Opened 12 Oct 2023

Results updated 4 Feb 2024

During October/November 2023 we consulted on the Streateries at Warren Street.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their views. We had 19 responses and following the consultation, we have made the decision to make the Streateries permanent.

The new scheme will now be implemented and a notification (PDF) has gone to all local residents and businesses. You can read the decision reports relating to this, and our feedback to the consultation responses in the decision report. 




The Covid-19 pandemic changed how people in Camden live, travel and work. We want our streets to have more safe space for everyone to walk and cycle, for children to get to and from school safely and healthily, for businesses to be able to flourish, to reduce carbon emissions from vehicles and for you to be breathing cleaner air.

We want to ensure that our streets support a strong recovery from the pandemic and provide a lasting legacy of greener, safer, healthier travel with places for people to spend time in and enjoy, regenerating our local town centres.  

To help, we have been making trial changes across Camden in our Streateries Programme: Streateries change parking bays to spaces in the road for businesses to place tables and chairs for al fresco dining, protected by barriers. This means pedestrians, wheelchair and buggy users can pass safely on the pavement. We are now consulting on making some Streateries permanent, including some on Warren Street. 

Camden’s town centres and High Streets are at the heart of local communities and community life; they are places where residents, workers and visitors shop, work, socialise, and access culture and services. Camden has developed a Future High Streets programme to support our high streets so that they continue to add to community life. Streateries are essential for delivering this vision: they help to revitalise streets, creating destinations for residents and visitors to meet, socialise and spend time, adding to street life and vibrancy, increasing footfall, and regenerating the wider local economy.

Why your views matter

We are proposing to permanently retain the trial Streateries on Warren Street and we want to know your views.  The proposals include:

  • permanently keeping the pedestrian and cycle zone on Warren Street, between the junctions with Grafton Mews and Fitzroy Street. The zone would be permanently closed to motor vehicles except emergency vehicles.
  • permanently retain the trial Streatery outside 25 – 28 Warren Street.  

To view the plans and find out more about what each proposal would achieve, click on the links in the Related Section at the bottom of this page.

What happens next

After the consultation, a decision report will be produced and published online via our website and local residents and stakeholders will be notified of the outcome. The report will consider a broad range of information including officer observations, consultation responses, feedback received during the trial period, relevant policies, and other data/information.

The report will then outline if at the end of the trial period, the experimental scheme together with any proposed additional measures should be made permanent. 


  • Bloomsbury


  • Anyone from any background


  • Transport and streets