Central Somers Town, Plots 5 and 6

Closes 10 Nov 2025

Opened 10 Nov 2022


illustration of Plots 5 and 6 Plots 5 and 6 are two new blocks of residential housing built adjacent to Coopers Lane estate, on the northern end of Purchese St open space. The development provides 34 new social rented homes, 4 x 3-bedroom flats, 17 x 2-bedroom flats and 13 x 1-bedroom flats. The development also includes a new community hall and community garden for local residents. 

A local lettings policy applies to the new homes. Get ready to bid in early 2025.

Priority allocation will go to those applicants on Camden's housing register who are in housing need living on Coopers Lane estate. Then to residents in housing need in Somers Town, - this link has more information.

You must be on Camden's housing register to bid for a property. Apply here. 

Make sure your application is up to date. We expect the properties to be advertised in Jan/Feb 2025.

Why your views matter

This page is designed to provide a place to share information and images of proposed developments, events and notes of public meetings, and provide a channel for your feedback. 

Find out more about what's happening locally.

We have met with local residents throughout the construction of Plots 5 and 6 and the landscaping of Purchese Street open space. Information about the design of the space is available on Have Your Say Today - Purchese Street Open Space - Commonplace

Email Plots5and6@camden.gov.uk for further details of anything mentioned on this page.

Find out more through Events and Related links (below)


  • St Pancras and Somers Town


  • Anyone from any background


  • Community and living
  • Environment
  • Housing
  • Leisure
  • Policing and public safety