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1089 results

  • LSEF Mathematics Self Evaluation Form Primary Teachers

    The purpose of the LSEF Mathematics Self Evaluation Survey is to find out teachers' level of confidence on their mathematic knowledge and understandings about the Mathematics National Curriculum and their pedagogic knowledge and skills to teach it to pupils at the beginning of the LSEF Camden Higher Order Mathematics Project. It will help the LSEF research team to plan the events over the next 12 months and enable the team to collect and consolidate evidence to demonstrate how the programme... More
    Closed 15 June 2016
  • Greener School Awards 2016 - part of Camden in Bloom

    This year’s Greener School Award cattegories are: 1. Energy efficiency Covering the measures a school is taking to reduce its energy consumption 2. Healthy start award for food growing Covering how gardening and food growing is improving the students’ quality of life 3. Biodiversity Covering how the school is creating habitats to maintain and improve the wildlife on their grounds 4. Reduce, reuse, recycle ... More
    Closed 10 June 2016
  • St Pancras Gardens Masterplan

    A Masterplan for the Future In September 2015 we held community and stakeholder engagement events to find out what long term improvements could be made at St Pancras Gardens. We ensured a range of views were captured and a variety of interests and needs were represented. We have developed a master plan design to provide an overall vision for the future of the Gardens. This identifies the priority themes, needs and aspirations for when funding becomes available. The plans also... More
    Closed 2 June 2016
  • Employability feedback

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is important to us in how we can better improve our service. This survey should only take about 5 minutes of your time. Your answers will be completely anonymous and will be used only to monitor the quality of the service offered to our clients. We'd like you to answer as many of the question as possible. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact us at . More
    Closed 31 May 2016
  • Kilburn Grange Park Masterplan

    During autumn 2015, we held community engagement events to find out what future improvements could be made at Kilburn Grange Park. We are working with LUC landscape architects to design a master plan which identifies the priority themes, needs and aspirations for the park, subject to when funding becomes available. We have developed an overall vision on the attached design plans and posters. These plans were on display at a community engagement event held in the park on Wednesday 4th May,... More
    Closed 26 May 2016
  • Using technology to help young people in Camden to stay healthy

    The NHS in Camden would like to understand how young people in Camden use, or might use, digital technology to help them manage their health and wellbeing. This might be using websites or apps to get information and advice if you're worried about your health, or it might be using technology to help you manage a long term condition. We want to make sure that this technology works for young people in Camden so we need to hear your views! This short survey is for young people aged 12 to 19.... More
    Closed 23 May 2016
  • Using technology to help families in Camden to stay healthy

    The NHS in Camden would like to understand how parents in Camden use, or might use, digital technology to help them manage their families' health and wellbeing. This might be using websites or apps to get information and advice if you're worried about your child's health, or it might be using technology to help manage a long term condition your child has. We want to make sure that this technology works for families in Camden so we need to hear your views! This short survey is for parents... More
    Closed 23 May 2016
  • Naming the HS2 replacement housing blocks survey

    We are inviting Camden residents to help us name the eight new HS2 replacement housing blocks on the Regent’s Park Estate. Camden Council is currently building replacement homes for all council tenants and resident leaseholders set to lose their homes due to High Speed 2 (HS2), the new railway from London to Birmingham. Construction has commenced on six of the sites and should be completed by autumn 2017, ready for residents to move ahead of HS2 Ltd’s demolition works. Camden Council... More
    Closed 15 May 2016
  • Consultation on home to school or college travel arrangements

    Camden Council’s draft ‘Home to school or college travel arrangements policy’ describes the arrangements for all students up to the age of 18, and for young people with special educational needs and / or disabilities up to the age of 25. The document acknowledges the recommendations made in the Department for Education guidance on home to school travel and transport. Currently Camden is spending just over £2.6 million a year on transport for 275 children to travel to... More
    Closed 13 May 2016
  • Briardale Gardens Proposals

    Closed 13 May 2016
  • Camden Gardens - Park Improvement Proposal

    In September 2015 we held consultation events to find out what improvements could be made to the open space in Camden Gardens. We ensured a range of views were captured and a variety of interests and needs were represented. The designs have been developed in response to the community’s needs and aspirations, and the Council’s priorities for managing and maintaining the open space. Priority improvements you mentioned were: Creating a space where people feel safe to sit and... More
    Closed 12 May 2016
  • Centre For Independent Living (CIL)

    Market Testing for: A Proposed Tender for an Organisation to Develop and Deliver the Centre for Independent Living (CIL) The Council is proposing to tender for an Organisation that will develop (with the council and relevant stakeholders) and then deliver the Centre for Independent Living (CIL). Background Camden Council is committed to developing a Centre for Independent Living (CIL) in the borough by summer 2018. The Council is looking to select, through a fair... More
    Closed 9 May 2016
  • 2015/16 Exercise Referral Survey

    We are interested in your experience taking part in the Camden Exercise referral scheme; please take a few minutes to complete this short survey. The information provided is kept confidential – you have an opportunity to give your name and contact details should you wish towards the end. At the end of the survey you will have an opportunity to enter a prize draw to win an Apple iPod touch 8GB. The information provided is kept confidential. More
    Closed 30 April 2016
  • Alexandra Road Park Survey March 2016

    Alexandra Road Park Between August 2014 and September 2015, a partnership of Alexandra and Ainsworth Tenants’ and Residents’ Association, the Friends of Alexandra Road Park and Camden Council led a project to restore Alexandra Road Park with £1.5m from the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund and Big Lottery Fund. We would like to find out how people heard about the park restoration. Please help us by filling in the questionnaire below. More
    Closed 30 April 2016
  • Cumberland Market - Park Improvements

    In September 2015 we held consultation events to find out what improvements could be made to the open space in Cumberland Market. We ensured a range of views were captured and a variety of interests and needs were represented. The designs have been developed in response to the community’s needs and aspirations, and the Council’s priorities for managing and maintaining the open space. Priority improvements you mentioned were: Poor path layout around the Eastern section ... More
    Closed 28 April 2016
  • Clean Air Action Plan 2016-18 consultation

    Air pollution has serious health impacts, and improving air quality across the borough is a key priority for Camden. In Camden the main pollutants of concern are Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Particulate Matters, these mainly come from road transport and gas boilers, but also from the rail and construction sectors. Camden is an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA), which means we must monitor and work to reduce pollution in the borough, and this work is set out and managed through an Action... More
    Closed 19 April 2016
  • Tell us your views and receive a £20 voucher

    What is this research about? We are holding focus groups in March and early April to hear from residents in Camden and Islington about what they would like from services in London which provide contraception as well as tests and treatment for sexually transmitted infections. This information will be used in deciding how best to deliver these services in the future. What does the focus group involve? You will not be asked to speak about your own expereince of using sexual health... More
    Closed 15 April 2016
  • Kilburn Neighbourhood Planning Area and Forum applications

    The emerging Kilburn neighbourhood forum has applied jointly to Camden and Brent councils to set the boundary of their neighbourhood area and to be formally designated as a neighbourhood forum, in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations . The proposed neighbourhood area falls within both Camden and Brent boroughs. More
    Closed 15 April 2016
  • Swiss Cottage Open Space Improvements

    In September 2015, in partnership with Groundwork London, we held engagement events with local residents and stakeholders to find out what improvements could be made at Swiss Cottage Open Space.The designs have been developed in response to the community’s needs and aspirations, and the Council’s priorities for managing and maintaining the open space. Priority improvements you mentioned were: To make the space more visually appealing through colourful planting Better... More
    Closed 8 April 2016
  • Amendments to Camden Planning Guidance 2 Housing

    We are currently consulting on changes to Camden Planning Guidance 2: Housing relating to the Council approval of registered providers and how the Council will spend payments in lieu of affordable housing which are collected when the required contribution is not made as part of a development. The draft changes are available at: Documents will also be available at Pancras Square Library and the Camden Town Hall. Comments should... More
    Closed 7 April 2016
  • Camden Local Plan Submission Draft

    Camden Council has reviewed its main planning policies and is now consulting on the Camden Local Plan Submission Draft 2016 (the Plan). The consultation is running for 8 weeks to the 4 April 2016. We are seeking your views on the Plan and associated documents. These are the versions we intend to submit to the Secretary of State for public examination by a planning inspector. When finalised, the Plan will replace our current Core Strategy and Camden Development Policies documents as... More
    Closed 4 April 2016
  • Building Control Customer Satisfaction Survey

    Building Control operates in a competitive market to provide the building regulation service for every building project. The service is customer focused and responds to the changing needs of its customers. The building control team ensures that building work meets specific requirements relating to health and safety, energy conservation, access and facilities for disabled people. Building Control also carries out a dangerous structure service 24/7 and 365 days of the year. The service... More
    Closed 31 March 2016
  • Camden SAPB Annual Report 2014/15

    Camden Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board (SAPB) is a group of statutory, voluntary and independent organisations working together to stop abuse of vulnerable adults. The SAPB coordinates how agencies across the borough work together in order to help and protect adults who may be at risk of harm. The SAPB has published its story of what it has done to help and protect adults in Camden over the past 12 months. We are required by law, under the Care Act 2014, to produce an annual... More
    Closed 31 March 2016
  • Adult Social Care Local Account 2014-15

    We want to find out what you think of this year's report. Please do send in your suggestions on what you would like to see in it next year. Your thoughts and views are very important to us. More
    Closed 31 March 2016
  • Sexual health services engagement survey

    Do you use sexual health services in London – either for contraception or testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections? Camden is part of a London wide programme looking at the way that these services are paid for and delivered across the capital. We want to make sure that the new way that we deliver these services work for the people who use them. Please complete this short survey to help us understand why people chose to go to the services that they go to and their... More
    Closed 29 March 2016
  • UriLift (Pop-up Urinals) Consultation - St Giles High Street

    The London Borough of Camden are proposing the installations of a UriLift urinals in the vicinity of the following locations as indicated by the red dots on the maps below: St Giles High Street Near 1 St Giles High St, London, WC2H 8AG We are considering installing Uri Lift “pop up” urinals ( in the St Giles High Street area. This is in order to prevent people from urinating in public areas and near residents homes, as well as to provide better... More
    Closed 25 March 2016
  • Brunswick Square Walking and Cycling Improvements

    In March 2013, the Mayor of London launched his vision for cycling in London. A major element of the vision is the proposed Central London Cycle Grid – a network of cycle routes through Central London and the City, making it more attractive for people who don’t cycle and safer for the increasing numbers who do. Encouraging more people to cycle is a key objective for Camden Council, the benefits are widespread and include: helping to reduce traffic congestion, improving air quality and... More
    Closed 20 March 2016
  • Proposed Drop Off / Pick Up Strategy for St Pancras International Station

    As you will be aware the King’s Cross area is developing at a rapid pace. In 2007 St Pancras Station reopened to passengers. Since then we have seen the redevelopment of King’s Cross Station and the rejuvenation of former industrial sites both to the north of and between the stations. As a result of this, Pancras Road has seen a large increase in private car, taxi, coach, cyclist and pedestrian activity. As the highway authority it is our responsibility to ensure the safety of all... More
    Closed 20 March 2016
  • Midland Road and Euston Road / Judd Street Junction - Proposed Walking and Cycling Improvements

    In June 2015, Camden Council implemented a number of changes on Pancras Rd between Royal College Street and Midland Road in order to improve road safety for pedestrians and cyclists. The changes included providing 2m wide ‘stepped’ cycle lanes for northbound and southbound cyclists and introducing better crossings for pedestrians. In March 2013 the Mayor of London launched his vision for cycling in London. A major element of the vision is the proposed new Central London Cycle Grid... More
    Closed 20 March 2016
  • Falkland Place Open Space Improvements

    Falkland Place is getting a facelift In September 2015, in partnership with Groundwork London, we held consultation events to find out what open space improvements could be made at Falkland Place. We ensured a range of views were captured and a variety of interests and needs were represented. The designs have been developed in response to the community’s needs and aspirations, and the Council’s priorities for managing and maintaining the open space. ... More
    Closed 18 March 2016
1089 results. Page 21 of 37