Chester Road temporary accommodation

Closes 1 Sep 2025

Opened 22 Dec 2021


The re-development of a former hostel at 2 Chester Road will provide 50 new temporary homes for families, with common areas, staff room and office. The buildings will be 3 and 4 storeys in height. The project also includes enhancements to the public footpath to the north and a new public courtyard for the residents of Chester Road.

Planning permission was granted on 11th May 2021 under reference: 2020/3461/P. Please visit: for full information on the planning permission.

LATEST - Comment on the updated site logisitics by 24 June

Morgan Sindall has been appointed as a trusted partner and have entered into a Pre-Construction Services Agreement (PCSA) with Camden. The PCSA includes surveys, detailed designs and planning and other regulatory obligations that will enable the construction works to proceed. Morgan Sindall is currently evaluating the site and reviewing the draft Construction Management Plan (CMP). See our update below.

Join the 2 Chester Road Community Working Group?
A Community Working Group helps bring together the views or concerns of the community. The Chester Road Community Working Group will be formed of residents, businesses and representatives from key local groups. 

If you would like to join the Community Working Group for 2 Chester Road, please email us at


Concerns about anti social behaviour at the site

Reporting crimes and anti-social behaviour

Call 999 to report a crime that is taking place or about to take place
The police number for non-emergencies is 101 (24 hours) or
Crime Stoppers – anonymous crime reporting - 0800 555111

The local Police Safer Neighbourhood Team can be contacted on Tel 
0208 733 6323 (based at Kentish Town police station)

The Responsive Security Patrol (including CCTV) – operates every day and can witness activity, intervene, or contact the police and report back to the Neighbourhood Housing Officer, on 020 7974 4444 between the hours of 4pm and 4am

The Community Safety & Emergency Management Service will also help to manage issues around antisocial behaviour. Request advice and assistance on 020 7974 4444 or

Why your views matter

UPDATE - Chester Rd Draft Construction Management Plan

Thank you to everyone who took part in our consultation on the draft CMP for the 2 Chester Rd site earlier this year.

After reviewing the comments and feedback received from residents and different stakeholders, Morgan Sindall has looked at an alternative Site Logistics Plan that would address the concerns raised and the constrains of the development site. Please see the new site logistics in the related documents section below.
Comments are invited, please respond by midnight on Monday 24 June 2024.

Please email your comments to

Send your comments on the updated logistics to before end of 24 June 2024


  • Highgate


  • Anyone from any background


  • Community and living
  • Housing