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1089 results

  • CA-D Controlled Parking Zone Review

    Camden Council wants to know if you think the Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) hours in your zone (CA-D, Kings Cross Area and Holborn) should change. Why are we consulting? In June 2017, Islington extended its CPZ hours of operation in Zone C to 24 hours, Monday - Saturday and 00:00 – 06:00 on Sunday. An increase in the hours of operation of a neighbouring CPZ is considered as a material change to trigger a CPZ review; in line with this, we are reviewing CA-D as it shares a border with... More
    Closed 23 March 2018
  • Proposed walking and cycling improvements – Farringdon area

    We are consulting you on proposals to improve the Farringdon area for walking and cycling. The Consultation document can be found HERE and Proposed layout plan can be found HERE . Our long term vision is to improve the area between Kings Cross and Farringdon, and we are delivering this in phases. The first phase has been delivered which included the provision of crossings along Gray’s Inn Road and changes to parking, waiting and loading to help buses arrive and leave bus stops... More
    Closed 23 March 2018
  • CA-U Controlled Parking Zone Review

    Re: Consultation on Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) Camden Council wants to know if you think the Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) hours in your zone (CA-U, Highgate) should change. Why are we consulting? In June 2017, Islington extended its CPZ hours of operation in CPZ K to 24 hours, everyday. An increase in the hours of operation of a neighbouring CPZ is considered as a material change to trigger a CPZ review; in line with this, we are reviewing CA-U as it shares a border with... More
    Closed 23 March 2018
  • Regis Road Business Questionnaire for the Kentish Town Planning Framework

    We are preparing a planning framework from Kentish Town and we want to hear from businesses in Regis Road. The borough’s Local Plan designated the new Kentish Town Regis Road Growth Area and it is expected that this area will experience significant change and growth in the coming years. Developing a planning framework for Kentish Town provides the opportunity to shape the type, nature and feel of development that happens within this area of growth and intensification. We are at the... More
    Closed 23 March 2018
  • Kentish Town Road / Castle Road / Royal College Street junction improvement

    We are seeking your views on the Council’s proposal to improve the junction of Kentish Town Road with Castle Road and Royal College Street. The consultation document can be found HERE and proposed layout plan can be found HERE . The junction of Kentish Town Road and Royal College Street is surrounded by a variety of shops, cafes and residential flats. It has a number of bus routes travelling through the junction, including 24-hour bus routes that access parts of Central London.... More
    Closed 24 March 2018
  • Wayfinding Scheme for Hampstead High Street using Legible London signage

    We are writing to seek your views on the Council’s proposal to place Legible London signs on Hampstead High Street. The Consultation document along with the location plan can be found HERE Legible London is a Transport for London led signage that has become the London standard for clear mapping and directional information. Legible London signage has become part of the London’s streetscape and has been used in key conservation areas such as Bloomsbury, Westminster and... More
    Closed 26 March 2018
  • Kentish Town Planning Framework Survey

    Camden Council is at the early stages of preparing a planning framework for Kentish Town. We are running a public engagement from Monday 26 February to Friday 23 March 2018 and we want to know your thoughts, understand your ideas and listen to your suggestions to improve and shape this unique area of Camden. The public engagement is open to local residents, businesses, workers, community groups, and everyone else that has an interest in the area. Please click on the link below under... More
    Closed 26 March 2018
  • Secure Cycle Parking Units - Goldington Street

    We are writing to seek your views on the Council’s proposal to provide secure cycle parking units (‘bikehangars’) at Goldington Street. In Camden there is a growing demand from residents living in high density dwellings (such as high rise flats or large multiple occupancy Victorian housing spread over several floors where space is limited), for sheltered secure cycle parking close to their property. We know that a lack of secure long term cycle parking deters some people from cycling... More
    Closed 27 March 2018
  • Secure Cycle Parking Units - Southampton Road

    We are writing to seek your views on the Council’s proposal to provide secure cycle parking units (bikehangar) in Southampton Road. In Camden there is a growing demand from residents living in high density dwellings (such as high rise flats or large multiple occupancy Victorian housing spread over several floors where space is limited) for sheltered secure cycle parking close to their properties. We know that a lack of secure long term cycle parking deters some people from cycling in... More
    Closed 29 March 2018
  • Children's Centre Housing Update/Training Feedback form

    Housing Update/Training for Children Centre Staff More
    Closed 30 March 2018
  • Building Control Customer Satisfaction Survey

    Building Control operates in a competitive market to provide the building regulation service for every building project. The service is customer focused and responds to the changing needs of its customers. The building control team ensures that building work meets specific requirements relating to health and safety, energy conservation, access and facilities for disabled people. Building Control also carries out a dangerous structure service 24/7 and 365 days of the year. The service... More
    Closed 31 March 2018
  • Survey for Governors

    Survey for Governors More
    Closed 11 May 2018
  • Expression of Interest for Camden Active courses and qualifications

    Please complete the following expression of interest form if you are interested in taking part in one of the current Camden Active training courses or qualifications. If you have any questions, please contact More
    Closed 18 May 2018
  • Draft revised local area requirements for planning applications 2018

    We have reviewed our local requirements for the validation of planning and other related applications to make sure they are relevant and appropriate to current policies and legislation. Different types and scales of applications require different levels of information and supporting documents to be submitted. Some changes have been made to bring the requirements up to date where changes have been made to planning legislation, policy and guidance. Summary of proposed changes: New... More
    Closed 20 May 2018
  • Area Action Groups

    Area Action Groups are led by ward councillors and are a way for residents and businesses to come together to discuss local issues and influence what happens in their area. There is an area action group for each ward. More
    Closed 31 May 2018
  • Chalcots window and curtain wall resident survey

    The council is replacing the “curtain wall” and windows across the Chalcots estate. A curtain wall is a front on a building that runs from the top to the bottom and is nonstructural, which means it doesn’t support the floors or the roof. It includes fixed panels and windows. Camden will be replacing the brickwork as well as the windows set in the curtain wall. In tall buildings there are regulations around the kind of windows that can safely be installed and particularly... More
    Closed 15 June 2018
  • St Pancras Gardens - Resurfacing and Proposed Access Improvements

    In 2016 we engaged with residents and stakeholders about potential long term improvements to St Pancras Gardens. This resulted in a master plan design providing an overall vision for the future of the Gardens. The plans included pathway resurfacing and the creation of a step free access ramp at the Camley Street entrance. We are pleased to share the proposed designs with you and welcome your feedback. Please download the design proposals below under "Related" and complete a... More
    Closed 24 June 2018
  • Proposed Play Street - Narcissus Road

    Proposed road closures on Narcissus Road to facilitate a new Play Street The Council is writing to seek your views on its proposal to prohibit traffic through Narcissus Road for the street to be used by children for play (Play Street), as designated by Section 29 of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1988. The Play Street scheme is an initiative set up by a charity called London Play and the Department for Health. The aim of the play streets scheme is to reclaim road space to... More
    Closed 25 June 2018
  • Secure Cycle Parking Units - Upper Park Road

    We are writing to seek your views on the Council’s proposal to provide secure cycle parking units (bikehangar) in Upper Park Road. In Camden there is a growing demand from residents living in high density dwellings (such as high rise flats or large multiple occupancy Victorian housing spread over several floors where space is limited) for sheltered secure cycle parking close to their properties. We know that a lack of secure long term cycle parking deters some people from cycling... More
    Closed 27 June 2018
  • Building Control Customer Satisfaction Survey

    Building Control operates in a competitive market to provide the building regulation service for every building project. The service is customer focused and responds to the changing needs of its customers. The building control team ensures that building work meets specific requirements relating to health and safety, energy conservation, access and facilities for disabled people. Building Control also carries out a dangerous structure service 24/7 and 365 days of the year. The service... More
    Closed 30 June 2018
  • Wellbeing Library Feedback

    Your school received a free Wellbeing Library of 16 books from Camden Learning at the begining of March 2018. Please complete this short survey (under 5mins) to provide some feedback on how you have found using your Wellbeing Library so far. More
    Closed 24 July 2018
  • Goldhurst Terrace Pedestrian Crossing Improvements

    We are seeking your views on the Council’s proposal to widen the footway and introduce raised tables at each of the existing informal pedestrian crossings on Goldhurst Terrace between the junctions with Greencroft Gardens and Broadhurst Gardens. More
    Closed 27 July 2018
  • Camden Work Experience Survey (Co-ordinators & Advisors)

    Camden Council is committed to providing high quality work experience placement opportunities. We aim to provide a service that supports the development of each trainee’s long-term employability and helps Work Experience Coordinators/Advisors match our placement opportunities to suitable candidates. The service provided by the Camden Work Experience Placement Team is a key part of our efforts to achieve these aims. More
    Closed 31 July 2018
  • Camden Work Experience Feedback (Placement Managers)

    Camden Council is committed to providing high quality work experience placement opportunities. We aim to provide a service that supports the development of each trainee’s long-term employability and helps Placement Managers provide a positive placement experience for their trainees. The service provided by the Camden Work Experience Placement team is a key part of our efforts to achieve these aims. More
    Closed 31 July 2018
  • Sensory needs and disability matters

    Are you someone who uses care and support services in Camden? Do you look after someone who needs care and support? Are you disabled or have a long term mental or physical health problem? Are you D/deaf or hard of hearing or a person who has a sight impairment? If you are any of the above and would like to get involved in services that affect your every day life you can come along to one of the council's sensory needs and disability forums. The... More
    Closed 31 July 2018
  • Heath Street Bus Stop Improvements

    We are seeking your views on changes to the bus stop outside 1, 3 and 5 Heath Street to improve bus journey times and reliability. All bus stops should include yellow ‘bus cage’ road markings to encourage motorists to keep the bus stop clear and guide the bus driver into the stop. It is used to provide an unobstructed space for buses to manoeuvre into the stop, align themselves close to the kerb and manoeuvre safely back into traffic. The bus stop outside 1, 3 and 5 Heath... More
    Closed 31 August 2018
  • Cycle Parking - College Place

    Proposed secure cycle parking unit and cargo bike parking space in College Place, NW1 We are seeking your views on the Council’s proposal to provide a secure cycle parking unit (‘bike hangar’) in College Place. In addition, following a request from a resident on this street who does not have outside space to store a cargo bike, we are proposing to introduce a cargo bike parking space next to the bike hangar. The use of cargo bicycles for everyday travel is in line... More
    Closed 4 September 2018
  • Proposed junction improvements – King Henry's Road

    I am writing to seek your view on the Council’s proposal to redesign the junction of King Henry’s Road near Ainger Road. The current junction layout is very wide for pedestrians to cross (26 meters across) and it is also of concern that pedestrians have no direct access to the junction on the east side, where they have to cross between parked cars. The proposed design addresses these issues by improving pedestrian access, providing better sightlines when crossing, and reducing the... More
    Closed 7 September 2018
  • Prince of Wales Road Walking, Cycling and Road Safety Improvements

    We are seeking your views on the Council’s proposals to create a safer and more pleasant environment for walking and cycling on Prince of Wales Road between the junction with Haverstock Hill and the junction with Grafton Road. More
    Closed 10 September 2018
  • Bloomsbury Square Garden Improvements

    Bloomsbury Square Garden – green space improvements As part of Camden’s Green Space Investment Programme, we are making landscape improvements in Bloomsbury Square Gardens. Design proposals have been prepared by our consultants and we would like to share these with local residents, businesses and other local stakeholders.Please download the design plans below. The proposals include: New planting along the Southern Perimeter to reduce air/noise... More
    Closed 16 September 2018
1089 results. Page 22 of 37